Staying Organized as a Las Vegas Photographer
Staying Organized as a Las Vegas Photographer

Whether you’re on a shoot for an individual portrait, or photographing an entire family, it’s crucial to stay organized. Not just organized with your gear, but organized with your time. What good is an organized photography bag if you don’t make the event on time because you forgot to schedule it in a calendar? Chaos builds off of chaos, which is why if you remain organized in the first place, you won’t have to deal with any large problems (within your control) at a shoot. read more

Personalability With A Las Vegas Portrait Photographer
Personalability With A Las Vegas Portrait Photographer

Most people get a little squeamish when they have to sit in front of a camera for a shoot. This can get awkward if the photographer isn’t a friend or a family member. Professional portrait photographers understand that not everyone is comfortable during a photo session, and so they have figured out various means of getting the subject as comfortable as possible. read more

Photographer Professional Editing
Photographer Professional Editing

Portrait photographers can be taken inside or outside, but that comes with a few factors. If the photos are shot outside, then you run the risk of off color lighting or unexpected weather. Photographers do not control the weather, however there are software that help to mitigate unwanted lighting or distractions that pop up in the photos. The Las Vegas portrait photographer is hired for a reason which means he strives to get you the best possible. read more

Professional Photographer Means Professional Equipment
Professional Photographer Means Professional Equipment

When covering an event we bring nearly an entire photography studio with us. It is a little less technical than that, but we travel with an abundance of light fixtures to make certain that we are able to get excellent lighting from both vantage points. While it is a little cumbersome to shine flashes in the direction of unsuspecting event guests, it makes the shot worth it. read more

Customers of a Las Vegas Photographer
Customers of a Las Vegas Photographer

Most of the time, people wonder what exactly they pay for when hiring a photographer. Is it the photographic skills or it goes beyond that? I would like to think it is more than that. But of course, some genre of photography does not leave any necessary room to interact with people other than the direct client we are working for. read more

What to Consider When Hiring a Las Vegas Photographer
What to Consider When Hiring a Las Vegas Photographer

Prоfеѕѕіоnаl рhоtоgrарhу іѕ a tаlеnt that іѕ craved fоr іn mоѕt functions аѕ реорlе рrеfеr ԛuаlіtу photographs rаthеr thаn out-оf fосuѕ-рhоtоѕ. Tо gеt a picture worth a thоuѕаnd wоrdѕ, уоu need to fіnd lеgіtіmаtе рrоfеѕѕіоnаl рhоtоgrарhеrѕ. You mіght wаnt tо look on the іntеrnеt or vіѕіt the рhуѕісаl lосаtіоn. read more

The Need For Finding An Outstanding Las Vegas Photographer
The Need For Finding An Outstanding Las Vegas Photographer

Thеrе аrеn’t many rаrе activities in a person’s lіfеѕраn. Many оссur – or аrе аntісіраtеd tо оссur – juѕt оnсе. Thаt іѕ whу іt іѕ vеrу сruсіаl to rесоrd аll thоѕе оссurrеnсеѕ. Thеrе mау be many rеаѕоnѕ thаt еxрlаіn whу thе distinctly renowned аdаgе оnсе аnnоunсеd a рісturе ѕреаkѕ a thоuѕаnd wоrdѕ. Imаgеѕ аnd рhоtоѕ tеll a tale аѕ no wоrdѕ саn, іt’ѕ for thеѕе rеаѕоnѕ it is the ultimate mеthоd tо record lіfе’ѕ extraordinary іnѕtаnсеѕ, аbundаnt with еmоtіоn fіllеd іmаgеrу. read more

The Importance of Location for a Portrait Photographer
The Importance of Location for a Portrait Photographer

For a portrait photographer, location is no doubt one of the most essential aspects of portrait photography. Get this wrong, and you’ll find yourself in trouble. A great location will not only help you capture an amazing portrait; it will help you choose the excellent lighting, the fitting props and costumes and suitable poses to capture a defining portrait. read more

Family Photos at the Bellagio
Family Photos at the Bellagio

Last Monday, Christian Purdie Photography was shooting portraits of a family who traveled from all over the U.S. to Las Vegas. One tip in order to get excellent shots on the Las Vegas Strip is to schedule your shoot early. At 9:30 Monday morning we met at the top of the Bellagio parking garage to ensure we were ready for our appointment at 10. read more

Choosing a Las Vegas Family Photographer
Choosing a Las Vegas Family Photographer

Las Vegas fаmіlу portrait рhоtоgrарhу hаѕ сhаngеd since thе dауѕ оf dаrk studios, аnd uncomfortable роѕіng stools… mоrе and mоrе реорlе want a frееr аррrоасh tо their ѕеѕѕіоnѕ Wіth thе аdvеnt оf cheap digital саmеrаѕ, реорlе are starting tо bеlіеvе thаt thеrе іѕ no nееd for a professional family portrait рhоtоgrарhеr; read more

Portrait Photographer: Experience is Everything
Portrait Photographer: Experience is Everything

When it comes to hiring a professional portrait photographer, experience is everything. Yes, you’ll want to hire a portrait photographer who knows his craft and can help you create memories that will last for eons. Sadly, very few portrait photographers have the know-how to make your portrait come alive. read more

Portrait Photography Locations
Portrait Photography Locations

For a portrait photographer, location is no doubt one of the most essential aspects of portrait photography. Get this wrong, and you’ll get all other things wrong. A great location will not only help you capture an amazing portrait; it will help you choose the perfect lighting, the perfect prop and costume and suitable poses to capture a defining portrait. read more

Portrait Photographer: Lighting is Everything
Portrait Photographer: Lighting is Everything

To a portrait photographer, lighting is everything. Have dull or inadequate light during your portrait photography session and you’ll be disappointed with the end product. Yes, lighting determines the brightness or darkness of your portrait, but besides this, lighting is good for many things. It determines the mood, tone, and atmosphere of your portrait. read more

Portrait Photography: Types of Locations
Portrait Photography: Types of Locations

As a renowned portrait photographer in Las Vegas, people always ask me how I get the right location or which location is perfect for what portrait shot. Well, it isn’t difficult at all. As Las Vegas native with years of experience in portrait photography, I know the best locations that fit every style of portrait. read more

Portrait Photographer: Who Do You Trust?
Portrait Photographer: Who Do You Trust?

I understand portraiture as a type of photography that best defines human interest. As with every genre of photography, this type of photography is particularly challenging and appeals to a select group of photographers. This is because the masters of portrait photography possess a unique and extensive skill set. read more

Las Vegas Portrait Photographer
Las Vegas Portrait Photographer

We love to capture portrait photography for the sheer fact that they make for the most stunning portraits. Irrespective of who the image on the portraits is for, it tends to make a powerful statement. The best moment portrait tells stories creates mysteries and reveal the true feelings of a person through their facial and body expressions. read more

Family Portrait Photographer
Family Portrait Photographer

Not being able to capture emotions and producing portraits that leave the subject looking anxious and uncomfortable is one of the greatest challenges that a portrait photographer can face. You know how important it is to be able to capture the best family moments. read more