Intimate Family Portraits

Intimate Family Portraits


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Michael Portrait Photography Session

Jenn Portrait Photography Session

Rastogi Portrait Photography Session

Erika Portrait Photography Session


Mobile Portrait Photography Studio

Don’t have time to travel to a photography studio? No problem. We’ll bring the studio to you. You can receive all of the benefits of studio lighting without the hassle of traveling to a photography studio. Our equipment is light and mobile and will fit in your home, office, or location of your choice.

Digital Portrait Photographer Delivery

After your photography session, we’ll edit your photos and send you a gallery invite so you can download your images and use them however you choose. Quick, simple, and convenient.

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You can always text or call (702) 530-4384 or send an email

Simple, Fast, and Convenient!

Intimate Family Portraits

There’s nothing like the love you share with your family and intimate family portraits are a great way to remind your family of the love that you share. An intimate family portrait reminds you how much you share and can help you when times are tough to remember how close you are. When a family hires us for their intimate photography sessions, we know that they have trusted us with a very private and beautiful part of their family lives. Therefore, we make sure to deliver them accordingly with high-quality, beautiful shots that tell their stories in the perfect way possible. We love shooting intimate family portraits as it allows us to be more creative and artistic.


Comfort And Fun: We believe that great shots can never be captured as long as our clients are not comfortable around us or our camera. That’s why we make sure to put our clients at ease by making them have fun and comfortable with us. Our friendly team and healthy photography environment will help you be intimate and authentic in front of the camera. Thus, amazing pictures!

Creative: Being creative and artistic is essential for producing unique, intimate family portraits. We tend to engage our clients in various activities and conversations to capture some creative portraits. We always welcome the opportunity to try new ideas and are always experimenting and creative and innovative ways of capturing your family more intimately.

More Candid: We think that posed pictures can never create authentically intimate portraits. That’s why we make sure to capture more and more candid shots during intimate photography sessions. This helps us in producing more intimate portraits with genuine expressions and honest emotions.

Long gone are the days of standing stiffly in front of the cameras and saying ‘CHEESE’ to get a family portrait. Family photography has evolved through the years, and now they are supposed to tell the story of your family and show the love and laughter you share. Intimate family portraits are a great way to capture the love and time that you share with your loved ones. If you want to have excellent and meaningful portraits with your family while having a good time and pleasant experience, contact us at Christian Purdie Photography. We promise to deliver you all that and much more.

Step into the world of intimate family portraits and witness the beauty of connection and love captured in every frame. These portraits go beyond a simple snapshot, encapsulating the essence of families and telling their unique stories. Whether it’s a tender embrace, a mischievous smile, or shared laughter, these images capture the authentic moments that make family bonds so special.

In these intimate family portraits, the photographer skillfully brings out the true personalities of each family member, creating a visual narrative that is both heartwarming and captivating. The images showcase the raw emotions and genuine interactions, leaving a lasting impression on both the subjects and viewers.

With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of human connection, the photographer skillfully captures the love, joy, and bonds that bind families together. Every portrait is a testament to the power of family and the enduring relationships that shape our lives.

The Importance of Capturing Intimate Family Moments

Family is the cornerstone of our lives, and capturing the intimate moments that make up our family stories is a priceless treasure. These moments, both big and small, are the building blocks of our memories and provide a glimpse into the unique dynamics of each family. Intimate family portraits freeze these moments in time, allowing us to relive them for years to come.

Intimate family portraits capture the true essence of a family – the laughter, the tears, the quirks, and the love. These portraits serve as a reminder of the bond that holds a family together, even through the ups and downs of life. They immortalize the emotions and connections that make a family unique, creating a visual legacy that can be passed down through generations.

By capturing intimate family moments, we create a tangible representation of the love and joy that fills our lives. These portraits become cherished heirlooms, treasured by both the subjects and future generations. They evoke emotions and memories that words alone cannot convey, making them a valuable investment in preserving our family’s history.

Choosing the Right Location for Intimate Family Portraits

When it comes to intimate family portraits, the location plays a crucial role in setting the tone and capturing the desired atmosphere. The right location can enhance intimacy and tell a story about the family’s personality and interests. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the perfect location for your intimate family portraits.

Meaningful Places: Consider locations that hold special significance for your family. It could be your home, a favorite park, or a place where you shared memorable experiences. By choosing a location that has personal meaning, you add an extra layer of intimacy and authenticity to your portraits.

Scenic Backdrops: Look for locations that provide beautiful natural backdrops such as lush gardens, scenic beaches, or picturesque mountains. These backdrops can add depth and visual interest to your portraits, creating stunning compositions that highlight the beauty of your family.

Indoor Spaces: If you prefer a more intimate and cozy setting, consider using your home or a rented space as the location for your portraits. Indoor spaces offer privacy and a familiar environment, allowing your family to relax and be themselves, resulting in natural and intimate portraits.

Remember, the location should reflect your family’s personality and create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. It should be a place where your family can be themselves and truly enjoy the experience of capturing intimate portraits.

Tips for Preparing for an Intimate Family Portrait Session

Preparing for an intimate family portrait session is essential to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. Here are some tips to help you prepare and make the most out of your session:

Communicate with Your Photographer: Discuss your vision and expectations with your photographer before the session. Share any specific ideas or preferences you have in mind, so they can tailor the session to your family’s unique style and personality.

Coordinate Outfits: Choose outfits that complement each other without being too matchy-matchy. Opt for colors and styles that reflect your family’s personality and make you feel comfortable and confident. Avoid busy patterns or logos that may distract from the focus of the portraits.

Timing is Key: Plan your session at a time when your family is well-rested and relaxed. Avoid scheduling it during nap times or when everyone is rushed or tired. A calm and unhurried atmosphere will allow your family to be more present and engaged during the session.

Be Prepared: Pack any necessary items such as snacks, water, or a change of clothes for younger children. Having these essentials on hand will help keep everyone comfortable and happy throughout the session.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your intimate family portrait session is a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Posing and Directing Families for Intimate Portraits

Posing and directing families for intimate portraits is an art form that requires skill and sensitivity. The goal is to capture the natural interactions and emotions that make a family unique while creating visually pleasing compositions. Here are some tips for posing and directing families during an intimate portrait session:

Encourage Natural Interactions: Instead of stiff and posed shots, encourage your family to interact naturally with each other. Prompt them with activities or conversation starters that evoke genuine emotions and interactions. This will result in more authentic and intimate portraits.

Capture Emotions: Focus on capturing the emotions and expressions of each family member. Encourage them to express their love, joy, and connection through their gestures and facial expressions. This will bring out the true personalities of each family member, resulting in heartfelt and intimate portraits.

Vary the Poses: Experiment with different poses and compositions to create visual interest and capture different dynamics within the family. Incorporate a mix of candid shots and more traditional poses to showcase the range of emotions and connections within the family.

Guide, Don’t Control: While it’s important to provide guidance and direction, allow the family to be themselves and express their personalities. Give them space to interact naturally, and be ready to capture those spontaneous and intimate moments that unfold organically.

By focusing on capturing genuine interactions and emotions, you can create intimate portraits that truly reflect the essence of the family.

Incorporating Props and Accessories for Added Intimacy

Incorporating props and accessories in your intimate family portraits can add depth, creativity, and a touch of personalization. These elements can enhance intimacy and tell a story about your family’s interests, hobbies, or shared experiences. Here are some ideas for incorporating props and accessories into your portraits:

Favorite Items: Consider incorporating items that hold sentimental value for your family, such as a cherished toy, a musical instrument, or a family heirloom. These items can add a personal touch and evoke emotions, resulting in more intimate and meaningful portraits.

Seasonal Props: Depending on the time of year, you can incorporate seasonal props that reflect the current season or holiday. For example, use colorful autumn leaves or pumpkins for a fall-themed session, or blankets and hot cocoa mugs for a cozy winter portrait.

Books and Letters: Incorporate books or handwritten letters into your portraits to symbolize the importance of storytelling and communication within your family. This can add a layer of intimacy and create a narrative within the images.

Nature Elements: If you’re shooting outdoors, consider using natural elements such as flowers, leaves, or even a simple picnic setup. These elements can create a relaxed and intimate atmosphere, adding depth and visual interest to your portraits.

Remember, the props and accessories should enhance the intimacy and tell a story about your family. Choose items that have meaning to you and reflect your family’s unique personality and interests.

Editing Techniques to Enhance the Intimacy in Family Portraits

Editing plays a vital role in enhancing the intimacy and overall impact of family portraits. With the right editing techniques, you can bring out the emotions, colors, and details that make your intimate family portraits truly captivating. Here are some editing techniques to enhance the intimacy in your family portraits:

Color Grading: Adjust the colors in your portraits to evoke a specific mood or atmosphere. Warm tones like oranges and yellows can create a cozy and intimate feel, while cooler tones like blues and greens can add a serene and calming effect. Experiment with different color grading techniques to find the one that best enhances the emotions captured in your portraits.

Softening and Blurring: Softening the skin and blurring the background can create a dreamy and intimate look in your portraits. Use tools like the softening brush or the Gaussian blur filter to achieve this effect. Be careful not to overdo it, as too much blurring can result in an unnatural and artificial look.

Enhancing Details: Pay attention to the details in your portraits and enhance them to bring out the intimacy. Adjust the sharpness, contrast, and clarity to highlight the subtle expressions, gestures, and textures captured in the images. This will draw the viewer’s attention to the intimate moments within the portraits.

Cropping and Composition: Experiment with different cropping and composition techniques to create visual interest and emphasize the intimacy in your portraits. Consider using the rule of thirds, leading lines, or framing techniques to guide the viewer’s eye and highlight the connections and emotions captured in the images.

Remember, editing should enhance the emotions and intimacy captured in your family portraits, not alter or manipulate them. Use these techniques as tools to bring out the true essence of your family and create visually captivating images.

Displaying and Preserving Intimate Family Portraits

Once you have captured your intimate family portraits, it’s essential to display and preserve them in a way that does justice to their beauty and significance. Here are some ideas for displaying and preserving your intimate family portraits:

Gallery Wall: Create a gallery wall in your home featuring your favorite intimate family portraits. Arrange the images in a visually appealing layout, using different sizes and frames to add interest. This not only showcases the portraits but also adds a personal touch to your home decor.

Photo Albums: Create a dedicated photo album or scrapbook to preserve your intimate family portraits. Choose high-quality albums with acid-free pages to ensure the longevity of your prints. Add captions or personal anecdotes to accompany the images, creating a narrative that tells your family’s story.

Digital Displays: Use digital frames or screensavers to display your intimate family portraits. This allows you to showcase a rotating selection of images, creating a dynamic and ever-changing display. Consider investing in high-resolution screens to ensure the clarity and vibrancy of your portraits.

Archival Storage: If you have physical prints or negatives, store them in archival-quality storage solutions. Acid-free sleeves, boxes, or portfolios can protect your prints from fading, discoloration, or damage caused by light, humidity, or environmental factors.

Remember, the goal is to display and preserve your intimate family portraits in a way that allows you and future generations to enjoy them for years to come. Choose display and storage options that align with your family’s preferences and ensure the longevity of your cherished memories.

Hiring a Professional Photographer for Intimate Family Portraits

While capturing intimate family portraits can be a DIY project, hiring a professional photographer can elevate the experience and ensure stunning results. Here are some reasons why hiring a professional photographer for your intimate family portraits is worth considering:

Expertise and Experience: Professional photographers have the knowledge, skills, and experience to capture intimate moments and create visually stunning compositions. They understand lighting, posing, and directing techniques that can bring out the best in your family portraits.

Quality and Equipment: Professional photographers use high-quality cameras, lenses, and equipment to capture your portraits. This results in sharper images, better color reproduction, and overall higher-quality prints. They also have the technical expertise to edit and enhance the images to perfection.

Creative Vision: Professional photographers bring a unique creative vision to your intimate family portraits. They can suggest locations, props, and poses that reflect your family’s personality and create a cohesive and meaningful narrative within the images. Their artistic eye can elevate your portraits from ordinary to extraordinary.

Time and Convenience: Hiring a professional photographer saves you time and allows you to fully enjoy the experience with your family. They take care of the technical aspects, leaving you free to relax and be present during the session. They also handle the editing, printing, and delivery of the final images, ensuring a hassle-free process.

Investing in a professional photographer for your intimate family portraits is an investment in capturing and preserving your family’s unique story. It allows you to focus on creating memories while leaving the technical and creative aspects in the hands of a skilled and dedicated professional.

DIY Ideas for Creating Intimate Family Portraits at Home

If hiring a professional photographer is not feasible or you prefer a more personal touch, there are plenty of DIY ideas for creating intimate family portraits at home. Here are some ideas to inspire your DIY family portrait session:

Natural Light: Choose a room in your home with ample natural light and use it as your backdrop. Position your family near a large window or glass door to take advantage of the soft and flattering light. Experiment with different angles and compositions to find the most flattering and intimate shots.

Candid Moments: Instead of posing and directing, capture candid moments of your family in their natural environment. Document the everyday activities, such as cooking, playing, or reading together. These unscripted moments often result in the most authentic and intimate portraits.

Self-Timer or Remote Shutter: Use your camera’s self-timer or a remote shutter release to include yourself in the portraits. Set up the camera on a tripod or stable surface and position your family in the frame. This allows you to be part of the intimate moments while capturing them at the same time.

Creative Setups: Create simple and intimate setups using everyday items in your home. For example, set up a cozy picnic in your backyard or create a fort in your living room. These setups can provide a relaxed and playful atmosphere, resulting in intimate and unique portraits.

Remember, the goal of DIY family portraits is to capture genuine and intimate moments that reflect your family’s unique personality and dynamics. Embrace the imperfections and focus on the love and connections that make your family special.

Capturing Timeless Memories through Intimate Family Portraits

Intimate family portraits have the power to capture the essence of family bonds and create timeless memories. They go beyond a simple snapshot, telling a unique story of love, connection, and shared experiences. 

Call or text 702-530-4384 or email us at to book your Las Vegas photography session.


Las Vegas Family Photography

Family is the essence of our lives, and capturing those precious moments with our loved ones is something we cherish forever. Las Vegas, known for its vibrant atmosphere and stunning landscapes, offers the perfect backdrop for family photography.

Power of Family Portrait Photography

Family portrait photography is a powerful way to freeze precious moments in time and create lasting memories that can be cherished for generations.

Stunning Family Portraits

As a professional photographer, I have had the privilege of capturing countless family portraits over the years.

Best Family Portrait Photographer

Family is everything. They are the ones who support us, love us unconditionally, and create countless cherished memories. As time passes, these moments become more precious, and what better way to immortalize them than with a family portrait?

Important Family Portraits

Family portraits capture these precious moments, freezing them in time for generations to come. These portraits hold immense emotional value, reminding us of the bonds we share and the memories we cherish. In this article, we will explore the importance of family portraits, their emotional impact, and how they serve as a form of self-expression.

Exquisite Portrait Photography

Portrait photography is an art form that has been practiced for centuries. It is the skillful capture of a person’s physical likeness, as well as their personality and essence. A well-executed portrait has the power to freeze a moment in time, allowing us to relive it for years to come. It is a way to connect with our past, immortalizing our loved ones and ourselves in a single frame.

Family Photoshoot For Memories

A family photoshoot is a beautiful way to capture these precious memories and create a lasting legacy. Whether it's a milestone celebration, a special occasion, or simply a desire to freeze time and capture the essence of your family, a photoshoot can be a powerful tool in preserving these cherished moments.

Importance of Family Portraits

Family portraits are more than just photographs hanging on the walls of our homes. They hold immense sentimental value and serve as a tangible reminder of the love and connections we share with our loved ones.

Stunning Couples Portrait

Couples portraits are more than just photographs; they are cherished memories that can help strengthen and elevate your relationship. These portraits capture the love, connection, and intimacy between you and your partner, freezing those special moments in time.

Best Portrait Photographer in Town!

Whether it's a candid shot or a carefully styled photo, a professional portrait photographer has the expertise to bring out the best in you and create stunning images that reflect your personality.

Portrait Photographer Emotions

A skilled portrait photographer has the ability to connect with their subjects, understand their personality, and bring out their inner beauty.

Perfect Portrait Photographer

A professional portrait is more important than ever. Whether you need a headshot for your LinkedIn profile, a captivating portrait for your personal branding, or a timeless family portrait to hang on your wall, finding the perfect portrait photographer is crucial.

Perfect Portrait Photographer

When it comes to capturing special moments and preserving memories, few things are as valuable as a beautifully taken portrait.

Best Portrait Photographer Las Vegas

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. And when it comes to capturing the essence of a person, there is no better medium than portrait photography.

Your Las Vegas Family Photographer

Family photos are more than just pictures. They are cherished memories that capture the essence of our loved ones and preserve special moments that we can look back on for years to come. However, not all family photos are created equal.

Why You Shouldn’t Settle for Mediocre Family Photos: How a Skilled Photographer Can Elevate Your Memories

Family photos are a special way to capture the essence of your loved ones and preserve memories for generations to come. However, many families settle for mediocre photos that fail to capture the true spirit of their family. In this article, we’ll explore the difference between mediocre and skilled photography and why you should consider hiring a professional photographer for your family photos.

Las Vegas Couples Photography

Couples photography has always been a popular genre, and with good reason. It captures the essence of love and commitment and allows couples to relive their special moments for years to come. From engagement photos to anniversary shoots, the art of couple's photography has a timeless appeal that is hard to resist.

Why Hiring a Family Portrait Photographer is Worth Every Penny

There is nothing quite like the bond between family members, and capturing those moments in time is a priceless gift. That's why hiring a family portrait photographer is worth every penny. With their expertise in capturing the essence of your family, they can create timeless memories that will be treasured for generations to come.

From Family Portraits to Candid Shots: How a Las Vegas Family Photographer Can Tell Your Story

Your family is unique, with a story all your own. As time passes, memories fade, but photographs have the power to hold onto those priceless moments forever. A Las Vegas family photographer can help you capture those memories, telling your unique story through the lens of their camera. From posed family portraits to candid shots of your children playing, a skilled photographer can help you create a visual narrative of your family's journey.

How to Choose the Best Las Vegas Family Portrait Photographer

There's nothing quite like a beautiful family portrait to capture the essence of your loved ones. It's a way to freeze a moment in time and create a lasting memory that can be cherished for years to come. And what better place to do it than in the vibrant city of Las Vegas? With countless backdrops to choose from, finding the perfect setting for your family portrait can be overwhelming.

Finding the Perfect Family Portrait Photographer for Your Family

Capturing the perfect family portrait is a beautiful way to create lasting memories that will be treasured for years to come. Family portraits are more than just pictures; they are a representation of your family and the love that binds you together. However, finding the right photographer who can capture the essence of your family can be an overwhelming task.

Find A Portrait Photographer Near Me

Las Vegas is a city filled with life and energy, making it the perfect place to capture your family's personality and style in a portrait. Whether you're looking for a classic family photo or a creative and unique portrait, finding the perfect photographer is crucial. A great portrait photographer can make all the difference in capturing the essence of your family and creating a timeless keepsake.

From the Neon Lights to the Desert Sands: The Art of Las Vegas Portrait Photography

Las Vegas is a city like no other, a glittering oasis in the middle of the desert that has become synonymous with entertainment, excitement, and excess. But beyond the flashing lights and towering casinos lies a world of art, creativity, and inspiration, and nowhere is this more evident than in the world of Las Vegas portrait photography.

Family Portrait Studios In Las Vegas

So, you’re looking to have a family portrait session done and you find yourself looking for a family portrait photographer in Las Vegas. You’re going to need a Las Vegas family photographer that can help you create images that you and your family will love to hang on the wall.

Las Vegas Family Photographer And Vegas Families

Everyone thinks of gambling and partying when it comes to Las Vegas, but there are so many families that make the city what it is, and I’ve been fortunate enough to work as a Las Vegas family photographer.

Family Photography Las Vegas In A Growing City

Las Vegas has been one of the fastest-growing cities in the country for decades and working as a family photographer Las Vegas has been a great experience. Local families and families that have just moved into our city as well as the number of tourists that bring their families to Las Vegas and want a family photography Las Vegas session.

Family Portrait Studios In Las Vegas

Families from all over the world hire us for a family portrait session in Las Vegas. When they’re looking for family portrait studios in Las Vegas, they know that we have them covered. We understand that family portraits are important.

Las Vegas Family Photographer And Engagements

Most people think of Las Vegas as a gambling party town. Most people are surprised to know how many sessions we do as a Las Vegas family photographer. People travel from all over the world, and most families are spread out. Lots of these families come to Vegas for a getaway and end up booking a Las Vegas family photographer.

Fun Family Photographer Las Vegas

Your family is unique and you need a family photographer in Las Vegas that can help you create a family portrait that demonstrates how unique your family is. When searching for family photographer Las Vegas be sure to give us a call.

Las Vegas Family Photographer Working With Different Families

Not every Las Vegas family photographer is the same. There are differences that each family portrait photographer has and those differences are what separates artwork that our clients are proud to hang on the walls of their homes and the ones that just have another mundane social media post.

Family Portrait Photographer For Engagements

A family portrait is something that you should be proud to hang on your wall. A piece of art with your family in it and when shopping for a family portrait photographer be sure that they understand the technical differences between creating works of art meant for print and not just another social media post that just vanishes in people’s timelines. Family portraits are a valuable part of families.

Hire A Las Vegas Family Portrait Photographer

When it comes to your family, you should hire a Las Vegas family portrait photographer that can help you create your unique vision of the love that you share with each other. Most people think of gambling, partying, and clubbing when it comes to Las Vegas, but the families that live here share unique experiences, and the city is a great pack drop for a family portrait photography session.

Family Photographers In Las Vegas

When you're looking for family photographers in Las Vegas make sure that you hire someone that is creative, understands how unique your family is, and has lots of experience.

Family Portrait Photographer Las Vegas

Shopping for a family portrait photographer Las Vegas? Although your search results may pull up lots of choices there are very few family portrait photographers in Las Vegas that can create a unique photograph of your family. A family portrait that you'll love and will want to hang on the wall of your living room for generations.

Creative Family Portrait Photographer

Your family portraits should be as unique as your family. You need a creative family portrait photographer that can help you tell the story of your family, how unique they are. Family portraits are essential in creating ever-lasting memories for your family and the generations to come. Even though we can now easily capture great family shots with our smartphones, nothing compares to a professionally-captured family portrait.

Family Photographer Las Vegas Parks

What to look for when searching for a family photographer in Las Vegas. Of course, check out their portfolio and reviews, but also check out their experience and customer service. While looking for a photographer to capture precious moments in your life with your loved ones, look for someone who understands these photos’ importance.

Experienced Family Photographer

I've been working as a family photographer for decades and many of my clients hire me year after year. I've become a family friend that captures a moment in their lives and turn it into a work of art that they are proud to hang on the walls. Family photography sessions are so much more than just photography.

Family Photographer Las Vegas And Children

What does a family photographer in Las Vegas do? Well, it's like a family photographer in most large cities. We just have a cooler backdrop to do it. As a native to the city of Las Vegas, I can guide you through Red Rock Canyon, local parks that are all over the city, or the world-famous Las Vegas strip. From your first call to the final delivery of the photos, I guide you and your family through the process as I know how important family photos can be.

Las Vegas Portrait Photographer And Families

What's the relationship like for a Las Vegas portrait photographer and families? People forget that there are actual families in Las Vegas. Most of the families that live in Las Vegas don't really do the tourist thing.

Las Vegas Family Portraits

Las Vegas family portraits can be an incredible experience. Families from all over the world fly into town, and sometimes it's the only time that they are all in one place together. Perfect for family portraits. Your Las Vegas family portrait photographer can't just have a solid knowledge of lighting and their equipment.

Las Vegas Portrait Studio

Having a Las Vegas portrait studio is a little different than most people think. Yes, we have that traditional stand here in front of this backdrop and smile, but we actually bring a mobile studio to the location of our client's choosing.

Las Vegas Portrait Photographer Mobile Studio

Our mobile portrait photography studio can produce studio-quality light at any location that our clients choose. Whether it is the convenience of their home, on Las Vegas Blvd, or in the more natural settings of world-famous Red Rock Canyon.