Event Photographer: Fly on the wall

Event Photographer: Fly on the wall

Event Photographer: Fly on the wall

Every great event photographer recognizes the importance of capturing the perfect moments, candidly. To do this, moving stealthily is a skill one must have. Unfortunately for many photographers, this skill remains ever elusive. No matter how hard some photographers may try, they get noticed. Rather than being the fly on the wall, they become the mosquitoes hovering over you! Hence, many clients miss out on a documentary-style method of photography where everything is seen, as a “fly on the wall might see them”.


Be sure to look at your event photographer methods so you know that you’re getting the best professional photographer and that you know what to expect from an event photographer. I have been to events where I wasn’t necessarily trying to move unnoticed. Some of these events require managing a group for a photo session together. However, having taken a breather to photograph some of the event’s moments candidly, nothing beats the looks on the faces of my subjects when I show them some of these photos. It’s epic!

Candid photos work all the time

Be it at weddings or business conferences, birthday parties, or sporting events, unnoticed, candid shots do the trick now and always. For an event photographer who wants to tell the story, natural photos where the subject is not intimidated or aware of the photographer’s camera are a must. These natural moments are all about timing. The perfect candid is all about being observant of these natural moments, and the natural moments have everything to do with timing. Patiently waiting for the right moments, which could be a lovely bit of interaction between people, a great expression, or a nice smile – and then being ready to take the shot.

Slow and steady does the perfect candid

Of course, it’s not always possible to be at the right place when you spot the right moments. If you have developed your stealth mode sufficiently, you’ll recognize that the best you can do is to let the moment go and count it as a missed opportunity. This way, you are ready for the next moment when the opportunity presents itself. Not so for the rookie though, who may try to chase after a lost moment by moving quickly and rapidly through the crowd. The eyes pick up fast movements and for a photographer who’s trying to be a ‘fly on the wall”, you simply cannot allow your cover to be blown. For me, being the fly on the wall when I want to is one of my biggest strengths, and coming out to my subjects as an easy-going person allows them to be comfortable with my presence. As a result, I get confident, natural photos of my subject unmindful of my camera. Find out more about the event photographer and the perfect candid: You have come this far.

Are you ready to become a fly on the wall at exclusive events, capturing the moments that make memories? If so, event photography might be your calling. In this article, we’ll delve into the exciting world of being an event photographer, the skills required, and the perks of this unique profession.

The role of an event photographer

As an event photographer, your role is to capture the essence of the event discreetly and without interrupting the flow. You become an observer, anticipating the perfect shot and freezing those irreplaceable moments in time. Whether it’s a red carpet-event, a wedding, or a corporate gathering, your job is to document the occasion in a way that tells a story.

To achieve this, you must possess impeccable communication skills. Interacting with clients and event organizers is crucial to understanding their vision and meeting their expectations. By building a rapport with them, you can ensure that you capture the moments that truly matter. Additionally, the ability to think on your feet and adapt to changing circumstances is essential in this fast-paced environment.

Why hiring a professional event photographer is important

Hiring a professional event photographer is crucial for several reasons. First and foremost, professionals have the technical skills and experience to deliver high-quality images. They know how to work with different lighting conditions, angles, and compositions to capture the best shots. Moreover, professionals understand the importance of timing and are skilled at anticipating and capturing emotions.

Another key reason to hire a professional event photographer is their ability to blend into the background. They know how to be discreet and unobtrusive, allowing the event to unfold naturally while still capturing all the important moments. This ensures that the atmosphere remains undisturbed, allowing guests to enjoy themselves without feeling self-conscious.

Skills and qualities of a successful event photographer

To excel as an event photographer, you need a combination of technical skills, creativity, and interpersonal abilities. Firstly, having a keen eye for detail is crucial. Being able to spot those small, fleeting moments that others might miss can make all the difference in capturing truly memorable photographs.

Creativity is another essential quality. While technical proficiency is important, it’s the ability to think outside the box and find unique angles and perspectives that sets exceptional event photographers apart. This creativity allows them to tell a story through their images, creating a narrative that transports viewers back to the event.

Additionally, being able to anticipate and capture emotions is vital. Events are filled with a range of emotions, from joy and excitement to tears and laughter. A successful event photographer understands how to capture these fleeting moments, creating images that evoke genuine emotions and preserve the memories for years to come.

Tips for capturing candid moments at events

Candid moments are often the most cherished ones at events. They capture the raw emotions and genuine interactions that make an event special. To capture these moments effectively, there are a few tips and tricks that can help:

Be observant: Pay attention to the surroundings and people’s interactions. Look for moments of laughter, tears, or surprise. These candid moments often happen spontaneously, and being observant allows you to capture them.

Use a telephoto lens: A telephoto lens allows you to photograph from a distance, making it easier to capture candid moments without intruding on people’s personal space. This lens also creates a shallow depth of field, isolating your subject and creating a beautiful bokeh effect.

Shoot in burst mode: Events can be fast-paced, with moments unfolding rapidly. Shooting in burst mode allows you to capture a series of images in quick succession, increasing your chances of capturing the perfect candid moment.

Blend in: Dress appropriately for the event and try to blend in with the crowd. The more inconspicuous you are, the more natural and candid your subjects will act, resulting in more authentic photographs.

Remember, capturing candid moments requires patience and persistence. Be ready to seize the moment when it presents itself, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different angles and compositions.

The importance of storytelling through event photography

Event photography is more than just capturing individual moments. It’s about telling a story that encapsulates the essence and atmosphere of the event. By curating a collection of images that flow seamlessly together, you can transport viewers back to that moment in time and make them feel like they were there.

To achieve this, it’s important to capture a variety of shots. From wide-angle shots that showcase the venue and the overall ambiance, to close-up shots that highlight the details and emotions, each photograph plays a role in telling the story. Additionally, consider the sequencing and arrangement of the images when presenting them to clients or creating a photo album. This ensures a cohesive narrative that guides viewers through the event.

Equipment and gear for event photography

Having the right equipment and gear is essential for event photography. While the specific gear may vary depending on the type of event and personal preference, there are a few essentials that every event photographer should have:

Camera: Invest in a high-quality DSLR or mirrorless camera that allows you to capture sharp, high-resolution images. Look for one with good low-light performance and fast autofocus capabilities.

Lenses: A versatile lens collection is key. A wide-angle lens is great for capturing the overall scene and venue, while a telephoto lens allows you to capture candid moments from a distance. Consider investing in a fast prime lens for low-light situations, as well as a macro lens for capturing details.

Flash: While natural light is often preferred in event photography, having a flash can be essential in challenging lighting conditions. Look for a powerful external flash that can be bounced off ceilings or walls for more flattering lighting.

Tripod: A sturdy tripod is useful for capturing long exposures or group shots that require everyone to be in focus. It also helps ensure sharp images in low-light situations.

Memory cards and batteries: Always carry extra memory cards and batteries to avoid running out of storage or power during an event. It’s better to have more than you need than to risk missing important shots.

Remember, the equipment is just a tool. It’s the photographer’s skills and creativity that truly make the difference in capturing exceptional images.

How to choose the right event photographer for your needs

Choosing the right event photographer can seem like a daunting task, but it’s essential to find someone who understands your vision and can deliver the results you desire. Here are a few factors to consider when making your selection:

Portfolio: Review the photographer’s portfolio to get a sense of their style and quality of work. Look for consistency and a storytelling approach that resonates with you.

Experience: Consider the photographer’s experience in event photography. Someone who has photographed similar events in the past is more likely to be familiar with the challenges and requirements of your specific event.

Reviews and testimonials: Read reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge their satisfaction with the photographer’s work. Pay attention to comments about professionalism, reliability, and the ability to capture candid moments.

Communication and rapport: Communication is crucial when working with a photographer. Schedule a meeting or phone call to discuss your expectations and get a sense of their responsiveness and willingness to listen and understand your needs.

Budget: While price shouldn’t be the sole determining factor, it’s important to consider your budget when choosing a photographer. Compare prices, but also consider the value and quality of the work you will receive.

By considering these factors and trusting your instincts, you can find the right event photographer who will capture the moments that matter most to you.

Examples of successful event photography

To illustrate the power and impact of event photography, let’s take a look at a few examples of successful event photography:

Wedding: A photograph capturing the tears of joy on the bride’s face as she walks down the aisle, surrounded by loved ones.

Concert: An image freezing the energy and excitement of the crowd, capturing the artist in a moment of pure passion.

Corporate event: A photograph showcasing the camaraderie and connection between colleagues, reflecting the positive atmosphere of the event.

These examples highlight the ability of event photography to evoke emotions and preserve memories. Each photograph tells a story and transports viewers back to that specific moment, creating a lasting impact.

Pricing and packages for event photography services

The pricing for event photography services can vary depending on several factors, including the duration of the event, the type of event, the deliverables, and the photographer’s level of experience. Most event photographers offer different packages to cater to various needs and budgets. Here are a few common pricing models:

Hourly rate: Some photographers charge an hourly rate, which includes a set number of edited images. This pricing model is suitable for shorter events or those with a more limited budget.

Half-day or full-day rate: For events that span several hours or a full day, photographers often offer packages based on a half-day or full-day rate. These packages typically include a larger number of edited images.

Custom packages: Some photographers offer custom packages tailored to your specific needs. This allows for more flexibility and customization, ensuring that you get exactly what you’re looking for.

When considering the pricing, it’s important to remember that you’re not just paying for the photographer’s time, but also their expertise, equipment, editing skills, and the value of the memories they capture.

The value of capturing special moments through event photography

Event photography is a unique profession that allows you to become a fly on the wall, capturing the moments that make memories. With impeccable communication skills, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to anticipate and capture emotions, event photographers have the power to freeze time and create lasting memories.

By hiring a professional event photographer, you ensure that every important moment is documented discreetly and with the utmost care. They possess the technical skills, creativity, and experience to deliver high-quality images that tell a story and evoke genuine emotions.

So, whether you’re planning a wedding, organizing a corporate event, or hosting any other special occasion, consider the value of event photography. It’s an investment that allows you to relive those cherished moments for years to come, preserving the memories that make life truly extraordinary.

Call or text 702-530-4384 or email info@christianpurdie.com to book your next Las Vegas photography session.





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5 Responses

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